BeneLIQ is Benefert’s LIQuid-product line. Within this product line, we offer a wide range of organic based products with their own unique characteristic. We provide liquid products with a very low organic matter. This results in no or hardly any sediment, which makes them very suitable for an application in irrigation systems. We also offer products with high organic matter, which have a broader spectrum of nutrients, micronutrients and vitamins. These can be used as an easier solution, due to their carefully selected composition.

Biota | To guarantee the complete pallet of nutrients for the Biota Organic Nutrient System, a specific range of organic products is offered. These organic products have a specific function in combination with the organic liquid products. Depending on the liquid fertilizers that is applied, one of these solid products is best suitable. In order to assess the best option for your needs, we are happy to guide you towards the best solution.

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