We added an interesting product “BeneSOL CHAMP” to our product line!
BeneSOL CHAMP is an organic-mineral solid fertilizer. This fertilizer contains sulfur and can be applied in both agricultural as horticultural crops. It is well suited for cultivation of sulphur-loving crops (rapeseed, cereals), because in addition to the basic NPK components, it contains a large amount of highly-absorbable sulfur. This fertilizer also contains a lot of magnesium (the main component of chlorophyll). Proper fertilization with this product prevents deficiency symptoms in crops during the growth period. Also, the high availability of trace elements stimulates the plant in every single physiological stage. This can result in a better and more vigorous fertilization, flower set and fruit set!

This product is very sustainable, because the main raw material is made from a residual product from mushroom cultivation (Dutch: CHAMPignons).
BeneSOL CHAMP is currently available as NPK 2-1-3 and NPK 3-4-3 and can be delivered as bulk and big bags 1250 kg.
Are you interested in BeneSOL CHAMP?
Please contact sales@benefert.com