As much as 95 percent of our food comes from the soil. Organic farmers do all sorts of things to make and keep the soil more fertile. For example, they use only organic fertilizers, compost and natural pesticides.
Most farmers still use artificial fertilizers to produce more food, quickly. In the view of the growing world population, this sounds very attractive. But an artificial fertilizer has major drawbacks for the long-term fertility of the soil. This is because the use of artificial fertilizers accelerates the decomposition of organic matter. Worldwide, agricultural soils are facing increasing shortages of Micronutrients in the soil. And not only in the soil, also in various fruits and vegetables the vitamins have decreased by 60-75%.

Therefore, organic farmers feed their soils with organic fertilizers and compost. Natural manure provides a higher organic matter content in the soil. This results in greater biodiversity, with more soil organisms. And these, in turn, are important for the fertility and water balance of the soil.
By working organically, farmers invest in a fertile soil. A soil that can also provide us with sufficient food in the long term. Such a fertile soil is also more resistant to the severe weather conditions (such as leaching and dehydration) that climate change entails.
That is why Benefert, with its organic fertilizers and biostimulants, stimulates long-term soil fertility by adding more carbon to the soil.
Source: Bionext