The JRC MARS Bulletin* for June 2023 shows a positive turn in the outlook for winter crops in Ukraine. Favorable weather conditions have continued throughout the spring season, leading to positive yield expectations for the majority of the regions.
High yields are expected in the south and east of the country, demonstrating the resilience of Ukrainian farmers. Total winter area remains in line with the five-year average, with a notable increase in oilseed rape at the expense of common wheat, despite the ongoing conflict in the region. Indeed, a record rapeseed harvest is expected.
A warm winter and optimal conditions led to a good winter crop. This was helped by a sudden rise in temperatures in March. Wet weather in April and the absence of abiotic stress in May further supported the positive development of these crops. Although field abandonment was observed in some regions, remote sensing shows that total winter crop area is higher than in 2022 and remains close to the five-year average in both government-controlled and non-government controlled areas. In particular, in the government-controlled areas, rapeseed cultivation has increased substantially, reducing soft wheat production.

The JRC MARS yield forecasts for winter crops are currently above the five-year average, a hopeful result. This indicates an estimated production of 28.3 million tonnes of wheat, 3.7 million tonnes of winter barley and 5.5 million tonnes of rapeseed. In the government-controlled areas, wheat production is expected to reach 21 million tonnes, along with 2.9 million tonnes of winter barley and 5 million tonnes of rapeseed.
These hopeful developments in Ukraine’s agricultural sector are a testament to the adaptability of the country’s farmers. They also point to the potential for a prolific harvest.
Benefert wishes the (organic) Ukrainian farmers a good harvest!
Source: Europian commission
*The objective of the JRC MARS Bulletin is to provide timely, independent, and high-quality information on crop growing conditions and quantitative crop yield forecasts in the EU.