BeneSOL Protein Fibre, the latest breakthrough from Benefert BV, is set to revolutionize the world of organic fertilizers!
This innovative product not only offers a high-quality nitrogen source but also presents a more sustainable alternative to conventional options like hair and feather meal. BeneSOL Protein Fibre boasts an impressive nitrogen content, addressing a common challenge faced by organic farmers. Its clean and readily available nitrogen source ensures optimal nutrient uptake by plants, promoting healthy growth and yields.
Unique characteristics:
- High-quality nitrogen source
- Sustainable alternative to hairmeal and feathermeal
- High proportion of nitrogen
- Effective for use in organic farming
- Can be used complementary to other fertilizers
- Providing a cost-effective solution
- Improves the soil structure
- No smell

By providing a cost-effective solution, BeneSOL Protein Fibre benefits both farmers and the environment. It not only enhances crop productivity but also supports the financial sustainability of farming operations.
In summary, BeneSOL Protein Fibre represents a significant step forward in the world of organic fertilizers. It not only offers a sustainable and efficient alternative to conventional options but also reflects Benefert BV’s dedication to serving clients’ interests while advancing the cause of sustainability in agriculture.
Click here for more information.